λ brew install gtk+3
λ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/libffi/3.2.1/lib/pkgconfig/"
λ git clone https://github.com/mathandley/AutoBench.git
λ cd AutoBench
λ stack install --extra-lib-dirs /usr/local/Cellar/libffi/3.2.1/lib/
λ AutoBench
AutoBench (Version
Usage: AutoBench FILEPATH
Available options:
FILEPATH User input file
ExitFailure 1
Testing cancelled. Press any key to exit...
Leaving AutoBench.
integer-gmp- でエラーが発生する
λ stack run Input.hs
▸ Processing Input.hsAutoBench:
lookupSymbol failed in relocateSection (RELOC_GOT)
/Users/gupi/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.4.4/lib/ghc-8.4.4/integer-gmp- unknown symbol `___gmp_rands'
unable to load package `integer-gmp-'
Testing cancelled. Press any key to exit...
module Input (ts,slow,fast) whereimport Data.Default (def)import AutoBench.Types (DataOpts(..),TestSuite(..))slow:: [Int] -> [Int]slow = slowMapp idfast:: [Int] -> [Int]fast = fastMapp idslowMapp:: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]slowMapp f []=[]slowMapp f (x:xs) = x : slowMapp f (map f xs)fastMapp:: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]fastMapp f xs = sub id xswhere sub _ []=[] sub fa (x:xs) = fa x : sub (f . fa) xsgenList::Int-> [Int]genList n = [1..n*10^3]ts::TestSuitets = def { _dataOpts = Gen 050010000 }